José Comblin, a Latin American liberation theologian, described the presence of the Spirit in five dimensions: action, freedom, speech, community and life. These pro-vide the foundation for developing an ecological pneumatology leading to transfor-mative praxis for the good of all creation. The insights of various eco-feminist theologians such as Heather Eaton, Ivone Gebara, Mary Grey, Elizabeth Johnson and Rosemary Radford Ruether demonstrate how Comblin’s five-fold pneumatology can enrich eco-feminist spirituality. Spirituality is based on experience of the Sacred, the Divine. The foundation of eco-feminist spirituality is life and liberation; it is holistic, embracing all that is created since nothing is absent from the presence of God. Themes from the Ignatian spiritual tradition of ‘seeking and finding God in all things’ also provide a helpful discernment heuristic in this time of ecological challenge.
doi: 10.7833/111-1-14