This article presents partial results of a research project, with an interdisciplinary focus, conducted in partnership with teachers of the courses of Administration and Executive Secretary of the Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste do Paraná (Unicentro), in 2011, which was proposed auxiliary from the local reality, in developing a plan for fundraising for the ONG "X" located in Guarapuava-PR, since from the year 2006 there was a reduction of resources invested by major donors – Cooperation Agencies International – in this organization. This is a qualitative research proposal of plans, which used the bibliographical research and participant observation followed by meetings with the manager and employees of ONGs as major research techniques. It was felt that this organization depends almost entirely on funds raised from external sources, however, has not effectively planned actions fundraising. In turn, the empirical study showed that there is possibility to expand the sources and possibilities of raising funds for ONGs in this region Guarapuava provided that it is good, structured design. Thus, it was noted the relevance of interdisciplinary work, since the area of advice allows a coordinated effort of several disciplines around a common goal, that this study sets up a proposition in the area of Social Responsibility.