In erection equipment of space launch complexes the hydraulic lifting mechanisms (HLM) are solely and exclusively used to accomplish changing the space-mission vehicle (SMV) position from horizontal to the vertical one. Existing designs of lifting mechanisms are diverse, but all of them basically contain a basic mechanism comprising one hydro-cylinder. With increasing SMV size and weight a task to design the more complicated lifting mechanisms, comprising more kinematic links and using several hydro-cylinders becomes urgent.
The article conducts a detailed analysis of the basic HLM schemes and defines the features of their arrangement in erection equipment. Gives basic calculation relationships, allowing us to determine design parameters of mechanisms for stationary and transport units. Via examples of available erection equipment shows the embodiment of lifting mechanisms using basic schemes.
The ways for development of HLM schemes to erect a SMV of the large size and weight are shown. Two options of the double-cylinder HLM are described. Both schemes are based on dividing a lift cycle into two parts, in each of which only one of the cylinders is in operation. The first option contains an additional, intermediate boom, with respect to which the main boom is erected. In such a mechanism the cylinders start running sequentially: at first, one of the cylinders erects the intermediate boom, then the other cylinder does the main one. The second HLM embodiment comprises a single carrier boom with the swing arm, which allows to swing the boom at a certain angle of less than 90 ° using one of the cylinders, also sequentially operating. The second cylinder allows the boom to fall into vertical position. Such schemes can reduce a stroke length of used hydraulic cylinders, which are the most expensive devices of the lifting mechanism.
The analysis results are of interest to designers of erection equipment for the space launch complexes.