In this article we examine the possibility of hardware support for functions of mobile device management platform (MDM-platform) using a Multiple Instructions and Single Data stream computer system, developed within the framework of the project in Bauman Moscow State Technical University. At the universities the MDM-platform is used to provide various mobile services for the faculty, students and administration to facilitate the learning process: a mobile schedule, document sharing, text messages, and other interactive activities. Most of these services are provided by the extensive use of data stored in MDM-platform databases. When accessing the databases SQL- queries are commonly used. These queries comprise operators of SQL-language that are based on mathematical sets theory. Hardware support for operations on sets is implemented in Multiple Instructions and Single Data stream computer system (MISD System). This allows performance improvement of algorithms and operations on sets. Thus, the hardware support for the processing of SQL-queries in MISD system allows us to benefit from the implementation of SQL-queries in the MISD paradigm.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first time a set of algorithms for basic SQL statements has been presented in a format supported by MISD system. In addition, for the first time operators INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN have been implemented for MISD system and tested for it (testing was done for FPGA Xilinx Virtex-II Pro XC2VP30 implementation of MISD system). The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the study will be used in the project "Development of the Russian analogue of the system software for centralized management of personal devices and platforms in enterprise networks" of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (with the financial support of the state represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).
In this study, we have conducted the testing on the basis of data structures obtained during the approbation of MDM-platform in SPbPU. Test results have shown that on average MISD system provides a two-fold gain for SQL-operators such as INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN. However, it was found that MISD system does not give gain in cycles for SQL-operator LEFT OUTER JOIN. A comparison was carried out with the processing of requests on Intel Core 2 Duo.
The results of this work are areas of further development and improvement of MISD system, including the area of hardware support for new operations.