Wrought Al-Mg-Si alloys are widely used in machine building and construction. Their tendency to pitting and intergranuler corrosion is because of the fact that in the course of slow cooling under solutionizing temperature the precipitate free zones and comparatively large intermetallic precipitates appear at the grain boundaries. The quench factor analysis allows us to establish a mathematical relationship between the characteristics of thermally hardened alloy and the quenching factor as well as to predict the alloy properties, but for this purpose, TTP diagrams must be built up using isothermal quenching to calculate the quench factor.
The aim of this work is to study and simulate the effect of soaking of the isothermal quenching on corrosion resistance of the thermally hardened V1341 alloy.
Change of corrosion current density and mass loss of isothermally quenched and artificially aged wrought Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy were determined for isothermal soaking steps of different duration. It is shown that the dependence of corrosion current density on the isothermal soaking step duration is of extreme character and is determined not only by the isothermal soaking step duration and its temperature, but also by features of a secondary crystallization process in breakdown of supersaturated solid solution and kinetics of electrochemical corrosion.