The objective of this article is to assess the prospects for an increasingly maneuverable reentry vehicle (RV) of class "lifting body". In this regard, a project aerodynamic thermal and ballistic analysis has been conducted and the results have been compared with some well-known projects of the RV of the same class, made both in our country and abroad.
The project analysis begins with finding a position of the "lifting body" vehicle in the classification system. Said classification distribution allows correct formulation of requirements for the conceptual structure of an aerospace vehicle at the initial stage of design in terms of system positions, since just the initial phase of the design often determines the success of the whole program.
Then the paper compares design characteristics of the RV of class "lifting body" with vehicles such as X-15 rocket plane, the orbiter "Space Shuttle», M2-F2, HL-10, SV-5, and NASP "Hermes". It also gives a comparative estimate of the "lifting body" RV mass in a wide range of dimensions. The paper shows the sustainability of various landing complexes with reference to the Russian experience in developing the RV " Soyuz", and the conditions for using the vehicles of class "lifting body" in space programs.
The aerodynamic analysis uses method for the approximate Newtonian theory to calculate aerodynamic characteristics of the perspective RV of class "lifting body" in the hypersonic descent phase. To obtain the desired aerodynamic performance and reduce balancing weight is contemplated a possibility to provide balance by introducing additional boards. The ballistic analysis considers four modes of descent:
1. zero roll descent;
2. maximum cross-range descent without restriction;
3. maximum cross-range descent with restriction of maximum overload and maximum temperature;
4. ballistic descent.
To calculate the RV ballistic characteristics a system of equations of the vehicle motion in the atmosphere is used. The vehicle was considered as a material point. The roll angle was used as a control parameter. The assigned task was an optimal control. To solve the problem of optimal control was used a method of sequential linearization.
The paper presents estimates of temperature for different modes of descent in characteristic points of the RV surface.
From the analysis it is clear that the promising RV form of class "lifting body" is a good alternative to the landers of "glide descent", especially for the reentry from lunar and Martian missions. Also a significant increase in cross-range (up to 1500 km, in contrast to the RV "Soyuz" with the cross-range of up to 150 km) allows a virtually infinitely expanding corridor to reentry into atmosphere, thereby making landing possible in almost any point of the European part of the Russian Federation.