This article describes a method of standalone verifying sonar control system, which is based on functional checking of control system operability.
The main features of realized method are a development of the valid mathematic model for simulation of sonar signals at the point of hydroacoustic antenna, a valid representation of the sonar control system modes as a discrete Markov model, providing functional object verification in real time mode.
Some ways are proposed to control computational complexity in case of insufficient computing resources of the simulation equipment, namely the way of model functionality reduction and the way of adequacy reduction.
Experiments were made using testing equipment, which was developed by department of Research Institute of Information Control System at Bauman Moscow State Technical University to verify technical validity of industrial sonar complexes.
On-board software was artificially changed to create malfunctions in functionality of sonar control systems during the verifying process in order to estimate verifying system performances.
The method efficiency was proved by the theory and experiment results in comparison with the basic methodology of verifying technical systems.
This method could be also used in debugging of on-board software of sonar complexes and in development of new promising algorithms of sonar signal processing.