Multi-frequency vibration dampers protect air power lines and fiber optic communication channels against Aeolian vibrations. To have a maximum efficiency the natural frequencies of dampers should be evenly distributed over the entire operating frequency range from 3 to 150 Hz. A traditional approach to damper design is to investigate damper features using the fullscale models. As a result, a conclusion on the damper capabilities is drawn, and design changes are made to achieve the required natural frequencies. The article describes a direct optimization method to design dampers.
This method leads to a clear-cut definition of geometrical and mass parameters of dampers by their natural frequencies. The direct designing method is based on the active plan and design experiment.
Based on regression analysis, a regression model is obtained as a second order polynomial to establish unique relation between the input (element dimensions, the weights of cargos) and the output (natural frequencies) design parameters. Different problems of designing dampers are considered using developed regression models.
As a result, it has been found that a satisfactory accuracy of mathematical models, relating the input designing parameters to the output ones, is achieved. Depending on the number of input parameters and the nature of the restrictions a statement of designing purpose, including an optimization one, can be different when restrictions for design parameters are to meet the conflicting requirements.
A proposed optimization method to solve a direct designing problem allows us to determine directly the damper element dimensions for any natural frequencies, and at the initial stage of the analysis, based on the methods of nonlinear programming, to disclose problems with no solution.
The developed approach can be successfully applied to design various mechanical systems with complicated nonlinear interactions between the input and output parameters.