The paper describes technique, design process, and examples of assessment and diagnostic materials for the written tests for applicants to be admitted to Master’s studies. Their development is based on the objectives of the learning outcomes (LO) gained in the course of bachelor, specialist, and master study programmes. The objective is characterised both by category of acquired knowledge, from the fact-gathering one to the meta-knowledge, and by necessary level of activities, which realise gained reproductive-to-creative knowledge, abilities, and skills, and show desirable human personalities appropriate for these activities, i.e. human’s competence.
The paper offers and analyses a task option aimed at revealing competence of heterogeneous test for entrance trials. The test includes problems of three levels, which are different in structural complexity and activity in their solution: from reproduction and interpretation of data to the analysis and synthesis of the new information contents with creative elements. It demands that a future graduate has to possess certain personal qualities, be qualified and psychologically ready for the learning activity with a research component.
Thus the paper gives examples of tasks with text and graphic interfaces and their benchmark (model) solutions. The tasks are formulated on a case technique as a problem situation in the substantive area of the future professional activity. The maximum score assessment is based both on the number of attributive didactic points and on the necessary level of activity. To assess the fulfilled tasks the paper offers a technique that takes into consideration how the result is approximated to the benchmark solution.
In developing a substantive ground of the test tasks the paper proposes to use the programmes of propaedeutic disciplines and a local issue of the coursework design. As to drawing up tasks and control of their fulfilment the offer is to involve the faculty staff in engineering disciplines who are experts and members both of commissions in the fields concerned and of Admission Committee of the University.