The aim of the work is to develop a technique to research a damage of the welded structures from thermostable steels under reiterated heating.
Damage of welded structures under reiterated heating depends on numerous processes, proceeding both in welding and under reiterated heating. This circumstance makes it necessary to analyze the reasons and conditions of emerging damage on the basis of numerous statistical materials. This problem can be solved only if simple and effective research methods are used to conduct tests.
The paper uses theoretical and experimental methods of research. Theoretical researches are based on the calculation analysis of proceeding internal welding stresses in the welded structures from thermostable steels. For analysis the calculation method of solving a problem was applied taking into account heterogeneity of phase dilatation in different zones of the welded structure.
Experimental researches were conducted on the small welded samples in conditions of isothermal relaxation of stresses. Using the artificial heat sink, when welding is a feature of these researches. These welding conditions allowed us to reproduce thermal cycles of welding on small samples, taking place in welding of the thick-walled welded units. Experimental researches of metal damage nature of the welded structures under reiterated heating were conducted on the welded samples, which were welded both by non-consumable electrode and by consumable one. In analysis the influence of stress concentrator on emerging damage was also taken into account.
As a result of research a technique has been offered to study damage of welded structures under reiterated heating on the small samples used for tests.
The metallography analysis of the metal damage nature of welded structures at small sample tests confirmed damage identity at tests and in practice during heat treatment of weldments from thermostable steels.
The conducted experimental analysis of emerging damage under numerous test conditions has shown that it is reasonable to use the artificial heat sink small samples to study both damages under reiterated heating and cooling cracks.