An environmentally friendly process was developed to produce a low embodied energy glass block from waste glasses. The energy efficiency of the glass block is represented by its thermal conductance (U) <3.177 W/m2.K and solar transmittance (SHGC) ≤0.25 as well as visible light transmission (VT) ≥0.27. A cavity was applied to reduce U value while insignificantly reducing VT. Analytical method was used to calculate the U value of glass blocks, ignoring the effect of convection. Ecotect program was used to analyze light level (VT) and heat load (SHGC) of each model. Effect of convection was simulated using a CFD program, which showed air velocity inside the cavity and temperature gradient in glass blocks. Comparing to an application with 3 mm float glass, energy efficiency obtained through applying the glass blocks could reach 96%. This simulation study ignored the presence of adhesive among glass layers that potentially reduces the VT and the SHGC of the glass blocks.