Background: Onset of menstruation is considered as a landmark in the growth and development of an adolescent girl.The age of onset and the pattern of menstrual cycles vary on different factors.Present study was conducted to find out the menstrual pattern and problems among adolescent school going of rural area. Materials and Methods: A total of 323 girl students in the age group of 15 to 19 years from 3 different secondary schools were asked to complete a pretested and validated questionnaire anonymously.Data regarding age of menarche ,menstrual pattern, menstrual hygiene,menstrual complaints , source for information about various aspects of menstruation and menstrual hygiene were elicited. Results: Mean age of the subjects at menarche was 14.02 years with a range being 11 to 19 years. Majority of them (92.9%) had intermenstrual interval of 28 – 35 days.Mean duration of menstrual flow was 4.28 ± 1.06 days. The most prevalent menstrual symptoms were mental irritability (47.9%), backache (38.3%), and nausea (14.5%).Prevalence of menstrual irregularity and dysmenorrhea was 5.6 and 18.3% respectively. Mothers(94.6%) and friends(4.6%) were the main sources of information for adolescents regarding menstruation.Conclusion: The majority of adolescents attained menarche at appropriate age. Dysmenorrhoea was the commonest symptom that interfered with the routine of the school girls.Majority of girls were aware about the importance of menstrual hygiene and were using sterile sanitary pads as absorbents.Mother and the friends were the primary sources of information about menstruation. Inclusion of topics related to reproductive health during secondary schooling has been beneficial in improving knowledge and awareness of girls regarding menstruation and menstrual hygiene.