Background: The curriculum of pharmacy being followed in different institutions is devised, written and established by the members of institutional ‘Board of Studies’ and/or professional councils. No doubt, educators and professionals are sure to have a comprehensive approach to this topic, but pharmacy students, with the help of their own educational experience, are potentially influential to offer guidance on student resources and facilities and are in a good position to assess the different aspects of pharmacy curriculum.
Aims: The objective of this study is to give an account of a survey of 678 pharmacy students regarding their assessment of the current curriculum of pharmacy education.
Method: We administered a cross-sectional survey to pharmacy students (n = 678) at three different institutes.
Results: Out of 678 students 566 (83.48%) students felt that the curriculum must be revised as it contains unnecessarily exhaustive theoretical details that should be replaced with practical aspects. 554 (81.71%) students demanded the introduction of the department of pharmacy practice in the present curriculum.
Conclusion: Pharmacy curriculum should be designed with student priorities and with active participation of students at every stage of its designing and implementation.