We report a case of a possible association of schistosomiasis with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. A 19 year old Nigerian lady presented with week long history of abdominal swelling and vomiting. Sonography of the abdominal cavity gave a diagnosis of colonic tumour. Resected portion of the ileum showed an ileoceacal mass appearing like an intususception. Histopathology initially revealed schistosomal ova and the adult worm in-copula, Immunohistochemistry however revealed that the mass was not just a granuloma, but a diffuse B-lymphocyte Non-Hodgkins lymphocytic lymphoma. The proximity of the schistosoma ova in the tissue sections suggests that schistosomiasis may have some effect on carcinogenesis. We therefore recommend that patients with chronic parasitic infestation, especially schistosomiasis, should be monitored more closely in view of the relevant emerging association between cancer and infections.