Currently, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is considered as a major ailment in humans with widespread prevalence. CAD also accounts for high mortality rates around the world that involves several known risk factors. Recently, it was discovered that epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) and its secretory adipokines play an imperative role in the development of CAD. Among the secretory adipokines, chemerin, a serpentine chemotactic agonist has been identified as one of the factor which contributes for the progression of CAD. Since serum chemerin levels are elevated during CAD condition, it is being considered to be a valiant marker but then the chimeric property of chemerin is yet to be explored. Though chemerin has been identified as one of the factors responsible for the development of CAD, it is still being studied at the marker level. This review aims to study whether chemerin can only be used as a marker or can it also be used as a novel target for treating or suppressing or delaying the progression of coronary artery disease.