Mg++ATPase are important amongst the several molecules available in the cells, Carbohydrates play an important role in the cellular process Under extreme stress conditions, carbohydrate membrane bound enzyme such as Mg++ ATPase have been known to act as the energy supplier in metabolic pathways and biochemical reactions. In the present investigation fish treated with an equitoxic dose of 10 ppm of lead nitrate and lead acetate. Intoxicated fish After a period of 15 days of exposure a batch from lead nitrate exposed fish and a batch from lead acetate exposed fish were transferred to lead-free water. Fishes were scarified on 1, 4, 8, 12 and 15 days for the analysis of of recovery pattern  in tissues viz. liver, muscle, kidney, gill and brain .It is found that lead toxicated fishes were recovered after 15 days depends upon physical condition of the fish.