Introduction: The use of automatic stapling device for skin closure has become more popular due to its minimum disadvantages as compared to conventional suturing. Hence, this study was undertaken to compare the time required for abdominal skin closure and pain during suture removal, between skin staplers and conventional suture.
Materials and Methods: The study includes 100 patients with age group of 45yrs-75yrs undergoing elective surgery, of which 50 patients underwent wound closure by staplers (Group-I) and 50 patients underwent closure using prolene suturing (Group-II), during June 2009 to June 2011 at Basaweshwar Teaching and General Hospital, Gulbarga. Patients were randomly selected for conventional suture and skin staple. Time duration for wound closure was recorded and pain scoring was given during suture removal, between both groups.
Results and conclusion: In our study duration of wound closure was statistically significant (P<0.001) with staplers requiring lesser time than conventional prolene sutures, we also found that pain during suture removal between both groups was statistically significant (P<0.001). We believe the advantages of speed and convenience of skin staples outweigh the extra cost, provided the disposable instruments are reused until empty.