Cytotoxic and antioxidant potential of leaf and bark extracts of two Clerodendrum sps namely C. phlomidis and  C. viscosum was investigated. Solvent extracts   hexane, chloroform, acetone and methanol were tested for their cytotoxic potential using brine shrimp motility assay and antioxidant potential was ascertained using DPPH and FRAP assays.            Cytotoxic activity of all the solvent extracts was tested at four doses 25, 50,100 and 200µl/ml. All the extracts showed dose dependent activity. Acetone extract of leaf (C.viscosum) showed significant cytotoxic activity   90.6 % at the dose of 200microgram/ml whereas chloroform extract of C. phlomidis (bark) showed highly significant activity to the tune of 95.6% at the highest dose. Thin layered chromatography based 2, 2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay for assessing the antioxidant potential was conducted using three different solvents, Maximum number of antioxidant bands were obtained in non-polar basic solvent that is Benzene: ethanol: ammonium hydroxide (90:10:1) (BEA). Quantitative radical scavenging assay was also conducted and acetone extract of Clerodendrum phlomidis leaf exhibited significant results at higher doses.