Background and Objective: The physiological processes necessary for the functioning of the eye relate to the blood ocular barrier and circulation of intraocular fluid, maintenance of intraocular pressure and metabolism of the different ocular tissues. Hence, we wanted to investigate the effect of exercise on intraocular pressure changes in relation with Blood Pressure.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted at Kasturba Medical College Bejai, Mangalore after the institutional ethical clearance. After a resting period, the Blood pressure was recorded, Paracaine eye drops were instilled in both the eyes and intraocular pressure recorded using Schizont Tonometer after 2 min. Then they were asked to walk on treadmill with average speed till they were exhausted, again their blood pressure, intraocular pressure were noted as above with all aseptic precautions. The statistical analysis was done using students unpaired t- test using SPSS software Results were expressed in terms of mean and standard deviation. p value was taken significant at 5 percent confidence level (p<0.05).