Poverty, equality, and a reassessment of economical existence: A Christian-ethical approach
After all has been said and done, the serious question remains: How can people be uplifted, and how can the challenges of poverty, especially in Africa, be addressed. Different ways in which this issue was addressed in the past are discussed. The Marxist-Leninist view is to reach equality by the revolution of the proletariat. The new Marxist seeks the perpetuation of the revolution while the developmental Marxists remain totalitarian but accepts the notion of the Free Market. Other suggestions are those made by the populists and the developmentalists. Partnerships and the way of individualism and communalism are also suggested. Globalization also has a profound effect on the search for empowerment of the poor. This article suggests a way to address the issue from a Christian-ethical view. A Christocentric approach is of great importance in this regard. Christian engagement is suggested as a mediator between individualism and communalism. Christ opens the way of a new engagement with respect for the humanity of all and for uplifting all.