South Africa's first military involvement in South West Africa took place during the early part of World War I when, following a request from Britain, an expeditionary force of 67,000 men was mobilised which led to the capture of the territory from Germany.
Some minor actions followed in the intervening years but the first infiltration by SWAPO occurred during 1966 but was contained by police action. However by 1973 terrorist activity had increased to the extent that the South African Defence Force was obliged to take over this counterinsurgency role. The extensive border with Southern Angola which included terrain favourable for terrorist activity forced the RSA to take preventative measures. As a result a series of semi conventional operations were launched against SWAPO bases in Southern Angola.
This article describes the various operations that were launched during the ensuing period until 1988 and which led eventually to discussions between South Africa, Cuba and the MPLA to cease hostilities. This settlement plan made provision for the implementation of Resolution 435 and the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola.