Recently the Cape Provincial Institute of Architects has compiled and published catalogues of the buildings of Cape Town. There can be no doubt that the Second World War was the "finest hour" in the Mother City's history. The Cape Fortress Location List contains details of all the buildings and sites occupied by the Union Defence Forces and certain British units in the Cape Command during this hectic period. During the War the information was classified as secret.
Only six copies of the Location List were made and they had been completed by 4 August 1944. The Location list was prepared by the 'Q' Section at the Castle and updated from time to time.
Since the information concerning the units occupying the buildings in Cape Town may be of considerable interest to the Cape Provincial Institute of Architects, the National Monuments Council and others and has not been published before, it is provided below. There has also been great interest in the Table Bay Docks and its buildings so details concerning these have also been included.