The Quality of Pre-Tertiary Education in Croatia, With the Emphasis on the Structure of Compulsory Education as a Quality Factor
Author(s) -
Nikola Pastuović
Publication year - 2014
Publication title -
sociologija i prostor
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.163
H-Index - 8
eISSN - 1849-0387
pISSN - 1846-5226
DOI - 10.5673/sip.51.3.1
Subject(s) - quality (philosophy) , compulsory education , emphasis (telecommunications) , factor (programming language) , geography , political science , pedagogy , psychology , engineering , computer science , physics , telecommunications , quantum mechanics , programming language
U radu se, na temelju raspoloživih rezultata empirijskih evaluacijskih istraživanja,prikazuje i diskutira kvaliteta hrvatskog predtercijarnog obrazovanja s naglaskomna obvezno obrazovanje. Kvaliteta obveznog obrazovanja operacionaliziranaje pomoću pokazatelja obrazovnih ishoda dobivenih međunarodnim komparativnimistraživanjima (PIRLS, TIMSS i PISA) te sumativnim vanjskim vrednovanjem srednjegobrazovanja provedenog u okviru državne mature. Postignuća hrvatskih učenika nakraju četvrtog razreda osnovne škole natprosječna su, dok su postignuća petnaestogodišnjakaispodprosječna. Ujedno, međuškolske su razlike u pojedinim pismenostimapetnaestogodišnjaka u Hrvatskoj iznadprosječne, ali je utjecaj socioekonomskog položajaroditelja na školska postignuća njihove djece ispodprosječan. Prema tome, dva suod tri pokazatelja kvalitete hrvatskog obveznog obrazovanja, sagledana u međunarodnojperspektivi, ispodprosječna. To se može objasniti strukturnim i izvanstrukturnimčimbenicima.Težište je analize u ovome radu na strukturnim čimbenicima koji su u raspravamao hrvatskoj školi proteklih desetljeća podcijenjeni. Strukturni razlozi ispodprosječnihobrazovnih postignuća hrvatskih petnaestogodišnjaka detektirani su u prekratkomprimarnom obrazovanju i prekratkom trajanju osnovnog obrazovanja. Izvanstrukturničimbenici nalaze se u sadržajima nacionalnog kurikuluma, izvođenju kurikuluma i vođenjuškola te velikim međuškolskim razlikama u pedagoškom standardu. U radu seprikazuje i uspoređuje potencijal dvaju mogućih modela strukturne reforme obveznogobrazovanja u Hrvatskoj koju bi trebalo poduzeti.Prema podacima dobivenima vanjskom sumativnom evaluacijom srednjeg obrazovanjaprovedenom u okviru državne mature, prosječna je razina kognitivnih ishoda nezadovoljavajuća.Što su kognitivni zahtjevi zadataka viši, rezultati su učenika slabiji. Tose dijelom objašnjava niskom ulaznom kvalitetom učenika, odnosno niskom razinomkognitivnih ishoda iz osnovnog obrazovanja, nesukladnošću programa srednjegobrazovanja i testova na državnoj maturi te nedovoljno kvalitetnim poučavanjem.Podaci dobiveni ispitima na državnoj maturi nemaju za kvalitetu srednjeg obrazovanjadovoljnu valjanost, pa imaju samo indikativnu vrijednost.This paper presents and discusses the quality of Croatian pre-tertiary education on the basisof available empirical evaluation research results, with the emphasis on the compulsory education.The quality of compulsory education is operationalized using the indicators of educationaloutcomes obtained from international comparative research databases (PIRLS, TIMMS,PISA) and from summative external evaluation of secondary education conducted throughoutthe national graduation exams. The attainment of Croatian pupils at the end of the 4th gradeof elementary school is above average while the attainment of the 15 year-olds is below average.The between-school differences in each of the literacies of the 15 year-olds are aboveaverage, but the influence of socioeconomic status of parents on the school achievement oftheir children is below average. Therefore, two out of three indicators of the quality of Croatiancompulsory education, seen in the international perspective, are below average.This can be explained by structural and non-structural factors. The analytical focus of thispaper is on the structural factors which have been neglected in the discussion about Croatianschools over the last few decades. The structural reasons for below-average attainment ofCroatian 15 year-olds are found in the short duration of both primary and basic education.The non-structural factors are the content of the national curriculum, the curriculum realization,school management and large between-school differences in pedagogical standards. Thepaper presents and compares the potential of the two possible models of structural reform ofcompulsory education in Croatia that ought to be undertaken.According to the data gained through external summative evaluation of secondary education(national graduation exams), the average level of cognitive outcomes is unsatisfactory. Thehigher the cognitive demands of the task are, the lower are the students’ results. This canbe partly explained by the low quality of entering students, i.e. the low level of cognitiveoutcomes from primary education, by the disparate programmes of secondary education andnational exams, and by the low quality of teaching. The data gained in the national examsdo not have enough validity for the quality of secondary education; therefore they have onlyindicative validity