Author(s) -
Zvjezdan Penezić,
Ivana Rak,
Ana Slišković
Publication year - 2013
Publication title -
društvena istraživanja/društvena istraživanja
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.18
H-Index - 15
eISSN - 1848-6096
pISSN - 1330-0288
DOI - 10.5559/di.22.1.07
Subject(s) - organizational citizenship behavior , civic virtue , social psychology , psychology , conscientiousness , sportsmanship , organizational justice , altruism (biology) , construct (python library) , courtesy , job satisfaction , interactional justice , distributive justice , economic justice , perception , personality , organizational commitment , big five personality traits , political science , neuroscience , politics , computer science , law , extraversion and introversion , programming language
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bila je provjera konstruktaodgovornoga organizacijskog ponašanja na hrvatskom uzorkuispitanika. Ispitivanje je provedeno metodom ankete na 195zaposlenika u bankama. Rezultati su potvrdili postojanje petdimenzija konstrukta: altruizam, savjesnost, građanske vrline,uljudnost i fer ponašanje te upozorili na razlike u pojedinimdimenzijama konstrukta s obzirom na sociodemografske osobine.Ispitanici jedino dimenziju altruizma doživljavaju potpunoizvan radne uloge te općenito izvode više odgovornoga organizacijskogponašanja ako smatraju da je takvo ponašanje propisanougovorom i da će za to biti nagrađeni. Ispitivanje, nadalje,upućuje na značajnu povezanost između gotovo svih dimenzijaodgovornoga organizacijskog ponašanja i percepcijeproceduralne i interakcijske pravednosti, dok takav odnos nijedobiven za distributivnu pravednost. Konačno, rezultati pokazujuda se u osnovi značajnog odnosa između dimenzije altruizma izadovoljstva poslom nalazi percepcija razine proceduralnepravednosti. S obzirom na to da ispitanici većinu oblika odgovornogaorganizacijskog ponašanja percipiraju kao ponašanjakoja se evaluiraju i nagrađuju, daljnja istraživanja konstruktatrebala bi uzeti u obzir i uparene procjene nadređenih.Due to the fact that research on organizational citizenshipbehavior has never been conducted in Croatia, the main aimof this study was to verify a construct on a Croatian sample.The study was carried out using a survey and included 195bank employees. The results show a construct that includedthe following five dimensions: altruism, conscientiousness,civic virtue, courtesy, and sportsmanship. Moreover, theresults indicate differences among the particular dimensionswith respect to socio-demographic characteristics such asgender, age, position, and working hours. Altruism was theonly dimension of the construct which subjects assessed ascompletely external to the work role, while organizationalcitizenship behavior, in general, was performed only if suchbehavior was part of their job description and if they were tobe rewarded for it. Furthermore, the results suggest asignificant relationship between almost all the dimensions oforganizational citizenship behavior and perception ofprocedural and interactional justice, whereas such arelationship was not obtained for distributive justice. Finally,the results show that perception of the level of proceduraljustice is the basis of the significant relationship betweendimension of altruism and job satisfaction. Further researchis needed to verify the construct on heterogeneous samplesof employees in different professions. In addition, there is aneed for better control of socio-demographic variables.Moreover, considering the fact that subjects perceiveorganizational citizenship behavior as behaviour that isevaluated and rewarded, further studies should take intoaccount the matched assessment of their superiors