Author(s) -
Vesna Srdić,
Stanko Cvjetićanin
Publication year - 2012
Publication title -
društvena istraživanja/društvena istraživanja
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.18
H-Index - 15
eISSN - 1848-6096
pISSN - 1330-0288
DOI - 10.5559/di.21.2.14
Subject(s) - mainstream , quality (philosophy) , psychological intervention , subject (documents) , public relations , sociology , social exclusion , political science , pedagogy , economic growth , psychology , economics , law , computer science , philosophy , epistemology , psychiatry , library science
Jedan od ključnih ciljeva strategijskih inicijativa zaugrađivanje pitanja obrazovanja Roma u glavnetokove općih društvenih reformi jest da ugradiuniverzalno pravo sve djece na kvalitetno obrazovanjei da omogući ravnopravan pristup obrazovanju zaposebno ugroženu djecu. Razne studije i projekti ouvođenju modela dobre prakse u obrazovanje romskedjece upozoravaju na to da ona često bivaju isključenaiz glavnih tokova obrazovanja ili uživaju samo niskokvalitetno obrazovanje, što povećava rizike obrazovneisključenosti. Svrha ovoga rada jest upozoriti nasustavne nedostatke na planu funkcioniranjamakrosistema na obrazovnom planu i na obuhvatnijemogućnosti za postizanje potpunije obrazovneintegracije Roma u Srbiji. Pedagoške implikacijetemelje se na sekundarnoj analizi podataka strategijskihinicijativa i rezultata provedenih istraživanja u Srbiji.Zaključak rada upućuje na nužnost ispunjenostizahtjeva vertikalnoga prenošenja iskustava i horizontalnogumrežavanja socijalnih partnera primjenom pravodobneobrazovne intervencije kompenzatorskoga ili inkluzivnogatipa, kao jednog od načina potpunije obrazovneintegracije romske djece i roditelja u društvo uz pomoćobrazovanja.One of the key goals of the existing strategic initiatives forincorporating the issue of education of Roma children intothe mainstream of the general social reforms is to implementthe universal right of all children to high quality educationand to enable an egalitarian approach to education forchildren in especially difficult circumstances. The variousstudies and projects aimed at the implementation of themodels of good practice into the education of Roma childrenwarn us that these children are often excluded from themainstream of education or are subject to only low qualityeducation, which increases the risk of educational exclusion.The purpose of this working paper is to point out thesystemic shortfalls in the field of the macro system’sfunctioning at the educational level as well as the morecomprehensive possibilities for achieving a more completeeducational integration of Roma children in Serbia. Thepedagogical implications are based on the secondaryanalysis of the data about the existing strategic initiatives andthe results of the research conducted in Serbia. Theconclusion of the working paper implies the fact that thereare two requirements that need to be fulfilled by applyingtimely educational interventions either of compensatory orinclusive type, as one of the means of a more completeeducational integration of Roma children and parents intosociety through education: vertical transference of experienceand horizontal networking of social partners