This paper was aimed to test the control role of myrtle tree against the gaseous emissions of stationary internal combustion engines (ICEs). CO and NO2 gaseous emissions, chlorophyll content index (CCI) and leaf surface area were studied prior and after the expose of myrtle tree the exhaust of 2 KW gasoline fueled, power generator that was operated four hours per day for a period of 24 consecutive weeks. Myrtle have shown efficient performance in reducing the amounts of these emissions, where records of CO and NO2 have shown reductions to about 18% and 27% of their initial levels as emitted from the source, respectively. Although it was not encouraging at the first few weeks, the CCI has shown significant development of 38% as compared to its initial value, which was incorporated with about 77% increase in average leaf`s surface area. Statistical analyses have proved good positive correlations between CO and NO2 removal process from one side and the CCI and leaf surface area from the other. Atmospheric temperature was proved to have high negative correlation coefficient with both CCI and leaf surface area. These results encourage further biological and statistical tests to prove and determine the causal relations between these variables.
Author would like to acknowledge the support of the Institute of International Education IIE, Scholars Rescue Fund SRF and Russ College of Engineering, Ohio University.