This paper reviews the emissions of methane from Paddy rice fields and the various strategies that can be used to mitigate methane emission while continuing with rice production. The option of setting up a win-win sustainable development approach is based on the fact that rice remains one of the most widely consumed cereals in the world. The paper also seeks to review the emission mechanisms and to illustrate from existing literature that when methane emissions are high under flood conditions (rainy season), there is a reduction in rice output and the reverse is true during periods of less flood. Yet, how can rice be produced without flooding? This paper is mainly a review paper which essentially obtains most of the information by reviewing other studies. The results from the analysis and reviews shows that globally, South East Asia leads in the global rice production and methane emissions chart. During periods of floods emissions are high and this compromises rice yields. The optimum solution to mitigation is based on a synergy of methods and not just on a single method as seen in the review of mitigation strategies.