One remarkable point about Malaysia is that it is a multi-ethnic country with Malays being the most dominant race, followed closely by the Chinese and the Indians which can be regarded as the minority group. This paper attempts to address the issues of social integration among these multi-ethnic groups in neighbourhoods of Klang Valley. Social integration can be best understood by the ability of a society that is composed by people of different classes, ethnicity and educational background to resolve conflicts that may occur between them. The levels of integration can be measured by levels of tolerance and interaction among the individuals regardless of their differences that may come in many forms: skin colours, languages, beliefs, cultures, values, class and so on. Thus, the question lies in whether it is possible to have an integrated society when the differences exist. Using the quantitative and qualitative approach, the research examines the way people from different ethnicity perceive their neighbourhoods. It also focuses on the levels of interactions among the multi-ethnic groups and seeks the underlying issues that may prohibit or hinder towards social integration.