Reproductive problems among dairy animals are one of the major causes of loss in dairy sector. These problems can be tackled by imparting appropriate knowledge to the livestock owners. An attempt was made to measure the knowledge of livestock owners by developing a knowledge test on reproductive problems of dairy animals. The study was undertaken in Karnal district of Haryana state, India. Data were solicited from 300 livestock farmers who had at least one milch animal at the time of investigation. In addition to developing schedules for socio-economic variables, a knowledge test was also developed for measuring knowledge construct. Data were solicited on scientific treatment of affected dairy animals and 59.54% knowledge was observed on reproductive traits. Study indicates that majority of livestock farmers adopted scientific methods for treating their animals. Respondents’ age, extension contact and milk production were positively and significantly correlated with knowledge. Therefore, imparting quality practical training and periodical assessment of performance of lay inseminators for improving their skills and knowledge regarding estrus detection and insemination needs to be emphasized. Extension machinery has to be an ideal bridge between research/development institutions and dairy farmers for their catalytic effect (Meena & Malik, 2009). Extensive awareness programs are needed for inculcating scientific outlook among livestock farmers on these complex problems. Easy accessibility of veterinary hospital at village level can reduce the adoption of indigenous technical knowledge in treatment of these complex problems.