Influence of different hormonal concentrations in plant growth medium on the onset of callus and somatic embryoid induction chased by plantlet regeneration and multiplication of regenerated shoots was the main goal of these studies. Results concluded that MS medium supplemented with auxin alone (3 to 4mg/l 2, 4-D) induces callus formation (3mg/l 2, 4-D alone produced embryogenic calli) and auxin-cytokinin combination like 2, 4-D and IAA (both in 1mg/l and 2mg/l concentration) with BAP (1mg/l) found very effective for somatic embryoid induction. Plantlet regeneration from embryogenic calli, as somatic embryogenesis, found good in auxin-cytokinin combination of 2, 4-D and IAA with BAP but in different concentrations i.e. 2, 4-D and IAA 2mg/l with 2 and 3mg/l BAP.