The study has used a descriptive survey design. The study was carried out in Meru County. The study area was limited to the lower part of Meru County whose climatic condition is suitable for mangoes production. This study adopted a likelihoodselection method for getting the respondents. Out of 13,442 farmers, traders and exporters, 447 farmers, 12 traders and 2 exporters were randomly selected for interview. Secondary data used in the study was collected from the Ministry of Agriculture Offices. To ensure validity and reliabity questionnaires were pretested and the researcher supervised data collection. Quantitative data obtained from the field was analyzed using descriptive and inferential techniques. The descriptive techniques adopted were means and frequencies while the inferential technique used were regression and correlation to establish relationship between variables in the study and inferences made. Frequency tables and charts were used to present the findings.
The study found out that lack of training was an hindrance in innovation adoption.The more the training the more the adoption of innovation.Chi-square results show that training has a significant association with innovation in Mango value chain as shown by a value of 39.139 at (p?0.05).
The researcher concludes that lack of organizations/institutions support has also undermined innovation adoption in mango supply chain. There is need to establish good linkages between farmers and research development systems which offer training on new technologies or innovations as well as assisting farmers in accessing markets for their products.