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open-access-imgOpen AccessThe Use of Betamethasone in Women at Risk of Preterm Delivery Associated With the Incidence of Neonates Respiratory Distress Syndrome (NRDS), A Systematic Review
Fathi Nabila Alim,
Nadia D. Quartantri,
Rizka Ramadani
Publication year2022
Publication title
Resource typeJournals
PublisherRifa Institute
Background : Neonatal Respiratory Disease Syndrome (NRDS) still become the most cause of neonatal’s mortality and morbidity especially in premature infants. Antenatal betamethasone has positive effect on preventing NRDS. Objectives : We sought to perform a systematic review of the use of bethametasone in women at risk of preterm delivery associated with the incidence of NRDS articles over the past fifty years. Methods: A systematic review was performed on PubMed and Scopus search term “Pediatrics” and “Pregnancy”. Results: Four articles identified between 2016 and 2019 specifically addressed for the use of betamethasone in women at risk of preterm delivery associated with the incidence of NRDS. A total 1800 patients were included in these four studies. The success rate range from 87,4% to 100%.  Conclusion: Overall, the use of betamethasone in women at risk of preterm delivery decrease the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome in newborn significantly.
Subject(s)betamethasone , biology , bronchopulmonary dysplasia , genetics , gestation , gestational age , incidence (geometry) , medicine , neonatal respiratory distress syndrome , obstetrics , optics , pediatrics , physics , pregnancy , preterm delivery , respiratory distress , surgery

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