This article results from the research developed at the Masters Course in Education at State University of West Paraná (UNIOESTE) aim to analyze the contribution of the student political assistance as proportion the access conditions, stability and graduation, having as basis the information from Federal Technological University of Paraná – Dois Vizinhos. Brazil has got disproportional numbers in terms of access and persistence on the educational system, especially in the graduation. In the last decades, federal government, proposals of higher education spreading, as well as students assistance. The discussion intend to present how the Bourgeois State has established itself and how the ideology of the bourgeoisie affect the government actions, sustaining the propositions of the social politicians, particularly when it comes to education. Also, the objective is to understand the actual political configuration of higher education, concentrating on the actual normative aspects of the student assistance programs. After all, to examine the experience of Federal Technological University of Paraná – Dois Vizinhos and trace some considerations about the topic. From the quantitative search with the Academic System UTFPR-DV data, documents and regulations of the institution (public notices, regulations, reports, etc.) it has been observed that the main results and conclusions indicate students assistance programs have been essential to the retention of students with socioeconomic difficulties in higher education.