This work appeared of the interest in there knew the complexities of the demands of the Program Sentry of the city of Blumenau, to do a comparative one with the phenomenon of the violence and you sweat several presented especificidades nacionalmente. From this interest, the intervention was carried out and subsequently one plans, at what it aims then, to contribute in the production of a document that presents a profile of the children and adolescents when Sentry was attended in the Program, victims of several violence. This document has the intention of collaborating with city, state and national data. Such an intervention took the documentary inquiry of hallmark as a methodology quantiqualitativo and bibliographical liftings that contributed to analyse the lifted data. The universe of the documentary inquiry they were all the children and adolescents through the service handbooks. The results of this work present the profile of the victims in the perspective of type, age, schooling, type of violence, raça/etnia, familiar income, the bond with the aggressor and still, the guiding organ of the Measure of Protection.