Since the publication of Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (Boyer, 1990) many changes have taken place in higher education in America. However, how have faculty perceptions of aspects of the professoriate such as teaching, research, publishing, administration, quality, and areas of interest, changed in the twenty-plus years since the initial research on this topic. This project provides an overview and insight in the current concerns of faculty with respect to promotion and tenure issues. The findings suggest a number of changes have taken place in the way scholarship is perceived by faculty. Publishing still maintains a significant role in decision-making about tenure and promotion and there is still a significant difference in the perception of factors in achieving tenure and promotion between research institutions and liberal arts institutions. There are differences between tenured and non-tenured faculty in concerning what constitutes appropriate scholarship. The scholarship of teaching is seen as important by faculty and yet most have indicated they have little formal teacher training. In both research and liberal arts institutions research and grant writing are seen as important, but there is also a concern that these activities detract from the primary role as a teacher.