Aim: To describe a best practice focused on improving hospital care for older patients.
Background: 30%-60% of older patients will develop functional decline following hospital admission, resulting in increased dependency. In our ageing world the need to prevent functional decline is a priority for health care professionals.
Methods: In an academic service partnership, in which participated a University Medical Center and a University of Applied Sciences, an evidence based program was developed: “Home Faster and Better” to prevent functional decline and to enhance safe care for older patients (≥70 years). Students of the Bachelor in Nursing Program developed the program, supervised by a clinical nurse specialist and a nurse scientist.
Results: A three-step care program, the DEFENCE model, (risk assessment, comprehensive geriatric assessment and targeted interventions) was developed as a best practice.
Conclusion: The partnership enhanced the transition of research into clinical practice, optimized the use of existing resources and created an inspiring learning environment for nursing professionals and students