Background: The current nursing faculty shortage has created an urgent need to retain and mentor novice faculty members. Programs to foster faculty development related to scholarship should be part of a school’s overall strategic plan.
Methods: This article presents a description of a faculty development program with outcomes regarding scholarship for a five year period. The Boyer model of scholarship was used as a framework to assess resources and also served as a guide for program development. The program was tailored to faculty needs and targeted specific aspects of Boyer’s domains; strategies were developed which promoted faculty growth in these areas. Specific activities were planned and implemented to accomplish the overall outcome of increasing faculty scholarship and create a research culture in the school.
Results: The scholarship of discovery was a major area identified for faculty growth. The program goal of increasing faculty scholarship was achieved by an increase in the number of presentations, publications and funded projects for the faculty in the school over a five year period.
Conclusions: Using the Boyer model as a framework assisted faculty in achieving a more positive view of their scholarship, facilitated preparation of meaningful dossiers for promotion and tenure decisions, and contributed to knowledge development in the discipline.