Workplace violence is a devastating issue worldwide. Incidents of workplace violence towards nurses are common in every healthcare setting. Nurses are more prone to workplace violence due to the nature of the tasks performed by them at healthcare settings. Lack of respect towards the nursing profession in the Pakistani society is a significant contributing factor in workplace violence towards nurses.
Workplace violence towards nurses is categorized in two types, psychological and physical violence and both these types of violence exist equally in different health care settings of Pakistan. There are many reported and unreported cases in which nurses experience rape, unwanted sexual deeds, workplace bullying, and physical violence from patients, their family members and other paramedical staff.
Limited work has been done to manage workplace violence at the health care settings in Pakistan. Incidents of violence towards nurses are yet under reported because of fear and more disrespect in the Pakistani society if reported formally. This is extremely important to design more effective strategies to assist nurses in dealing with workplace violence proficiently and competently. A Safe work environment will automatically attract nurses to remain in the nursing profession.