Computers have made many of our everyday tasks easier and faster and made our society more productive. Some important variables such as the classroom teacher and the teacher’s beliefs towards the effective uses of computers have been overlooked in EFL classrooms. The impact of teachers’ beliefs on classroom instruction specifically in English Language Teaching (ELT) has been paid enough attention by previous researchers, but little research has been conducted to establish a similar relation between teachers’ beliefs and uses of computer technology. The goals this paper are to define teacher beliefs, explain the process of forming beliefs, discuss the relationship between beliefs and integration of computer technology, review teachers’ beliefs and computer knowledge, elaborate teachers’ beliefs and computer technology training, examine Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and state the contribution of computer technology to English language teaching. It is expected that by gaining a better understanding of knowledge of EFL teachers’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and computers, we might gain a greater understanding for why more EFL teachers aren’t using computer technology in their EFL instruction.