Purpose-the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between career anchors and organizational commitment among faculty members at the University of Urmia.
Design/methodology/approach- the empirical analysis is based on a sample of 70 faculty members of University of Urmia. The data were gathered through two standard questionnaires of career anchors according to Schein model and of organizational commitment according to Meyer and Allen model.
Findings- findings from this study indicate that there is a positive significant relationship between career anchor components and organizational commitment components and also technical functional competence, general managerial competence, autonomy- independence, pure challenge and life style are significant predicators’ of organizational commitment.
Practical implications- career anchors are based on this logic that relatin between individuals career orientations and workplace leads to job satisfaction, high commitment and performance while lack of relation leads to dissatisfaction and turnover.
Originality, value- This paper presents original estimates of relationship between career anchors and organizational commitment with a sample of faculty members.