The present study examined differences in color-blind racial attitudes based on reported levels of cross-racial contact in a sample (n=239) of physical education teacher education (PETE) pre-service teachers. test analysis were utilized to assess differences between pre-service teachers whom reported either frequent cross-racial contact or non-frequent cross-racial contact in various settings (previous k-12 schooling, college courses, and home community) during their life experiences. Participants responded to the Color-blind Racial Attitudes Scale (CoBRAS), and a demographic survey which collected self-reported level of cross-racial contact. T-test results indicated a significant effect across each of the three settings, as collectively pre-service teachers perceiving to have had frequent cross-racial contact in academic and community settings revealed significantly lower color-blind racial attitudes than their counterparts whom collectively perceived non-frequent cross-racial contact across these settings. Overall, the findings in this study appear to support the theoretical utility of contact hypothesis as a method for reducing racial prejudice and biased attitudes.