This research aims at analyzing the epistemological foundations of Sadra-ee wisdom, justifying educational elements based on that foundations and providing an educational perspective based on that. The research method has been philosophical analysis with a synthetic approach. To achieve the research objectives, first, Sadra’s epistemological foundations from numerous works of Mulla Sadra and some of his exponents are analyzed, then educational elements based on that foundations are justified; Sadra’s fundamental epistemological foundations in two areas of ontology and epistemology include: 1) to become identical knowledge with being , 2) self-speech is the wholly of faculties, 3) the unity of the knower, known and the act of knowing, 4) priority of theoretical reason over practical one, 5) Establishment of the balance between the tangible and intelligible worlds, and 6) hierarchy of knowledge. Important educational elements i.e. objective, curriculum, teacher, student, and teaching methods have been analyzed with regard to the above-mentioned foundations and it has been indicated that the educational elements in this view have particular features and characteristics which can lead the learner to self-actualization and manifest rays of rationality i.e. faith in him. Educational perspective resulting from such a foundation emphasizes on the reality of education that in this case, education at the time of unity and preserving uniqueness like truth of being includes multiples such as strength and weaknesses, priority and posteriority, perfection and imperfection. The other result of this study states that an equilibrium must be established among the educational elements of this perspective; this balance is established in both any level of knowledge and also in longitudinal levels of knowledge.