The present study attempts to investigate the training needs (in terms of guidance, methodology, responsiveness to specific group - target) of Vocational Consulting, who worked in the "Plan Support of Socially Vulnerable Groups," held by the Prefectural Committee for Adult Education (NELE) Larissa from September 2006 until September 2008. Firstly, it investigates the knowledge of the Executive Advisory body to the meaning and role of the Advisory as a science. Subsequently, it investigates the awareness of training needs specifying areas and linking those needs with the requirements of the group and the target which is supported. The analysis of the results and their connection to the research questions suggests that the Consultants consider their role especially important, realizing the essence and importance of the process and, moreover, that a further training in counselling skills is needed. This is a view expressed both by the most experienced executives, who have been involved in the process of training at least once, and the younger executives, who have not ever attended a training program in counselling.