Orientation-This exploratory study elaborates the hindering factors of high performance of the beginning teachers in higher education of Pakistan and suggests the solutions with their implications which lead to an effort for performance improvement of beginning teachers in the higher education institutions. Researchers have taken IUB as a case study.
Purpose – The aim of the researchers in this endeavor is to identify the challenges and obstacles faced by beginning teachers in higher education. This study also explores practical implications and what adaptation can be utilized in order to have high performance of the beginning teachers.
Design/ Methodology- Researchers have applied qualitative technique to collect and interpret data. Semi structured Interviews were conducted from the 40 beginning teachers of the case study university in order to identify various hindering factors of high performance.
Findings- Research results indicate that by addressing the 11 major hindering factors of beginning teachers’ high performance i.e. less teaching exposure, over overburden, strict evaluation, lack of training, insufficient material and supplies, lack of effective communication, student counseling problems, class room discipline problems, Difficulties in assessing students’ work, least expectations of career in teaching and misbehavior of students, the performance level of beginning teachers in higher education can be enhanced.
Practical implications- Current research may be use by universities to identify and resolve the beginning teachers’ problems in order to get high performance. It also provides the literature for future researches.