The 40th Congress of the Spanish Association of Cuniculture (ASESCU) was held in Santiago de Compostela from 28th to 29th May 2015. This is the 40th edition of the conference, held annually without interruption since 1976. Main papers focused on analysing the current rabbit sector situation in the north-western Iberian Peninsula, genetic improvement of meat rabbit and foundation of new lines. The future of meat rabbit production and the rabbit meat production value chain was discussed, with the results of the partnership between the Spanish Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) and the rabbit marketing board (INTERCUN) to support research projects. A round table was also held on coccidiosis in rabbit farms. In addition, a total of 32 communications were presented both in working sessions with oral communications and posters (pathology, nutrition, reproduction, ethology, production and products). The meeting was attended by more than 200 participants, including researchers from Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Ecuador and Egypt, among other countries. Abstracts of the contributions presented are reported below.