Uji Aktivitas Antikolesterol Partisi N-Heksana, Metanol Dan Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantiifolia) Secara In Vitro
Author(s) -
Iesyi Lutfiyati,
Urmatul Waznah,
Sugeng Slamet,
W Wirasti
Publication year - 2021
Publication title -
prosiding seminar nasional kesehatan
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
ISSN - 2808-7968
DOI - 10.48144/prosiding.v1i.691
Subject(s) - chemistry , cholesterol , ethanol , chromatography , sterol , in vitro , biochemistry
Cholesterol is an important sterol in human body tissue which belongs to the lipid group but cannot be hydrolyzed. Cholesterol has various uses in the body such as forming steroid hormones in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. However, if cholesterol levels in the blood are too high, it can cause blockage of blood flow which can lead to atherosclerosis. Lime contains secondary metabolites that function to reduce the increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. The purpose of this study was to determine the anticholesterol activity and to determine the EC₅₀ value of partition n-hexane, methanol, ethanol extract of lime peel (Citrus aurantiifolia) in vitro. Analysis of cholesterol activity is known by measuring cholesterol levels in vitro using Lieberman Burchard reagent. The analytical method used UV-Vis spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 665.0 nm with a series of test sample concentrations of 150 µg/ml; 300 µg/ml; 450 µg/ml; 600 µg/ml and 750 µg/ml. The research data shows that the decrease in cholesterol levels is directly proportional to the increase in the concentration in the sample. The EC₅₀ value of the n-hexane partition was 448.76 µg/ml; methanol partition as much as 448.98 µg/ml and ethanol extract as much as 450.18 µg/ml.Keywords: Anticholesterol; in vitro; lime peel; partition.
AbstrakKolesterol merupakan sterol yang penting dalam jaringan tubuh manusia yang termasuk pada golongan lipid tetapi tidak dapat terhidrolisis. Kolesterol memiliki berbagai kegunaan dalam tubuh seperti pembentuk hormon-hormon steroid pada hormon esterogen dan progrsteron. Namun, jika kadar kolesterol dalam darah terlalu tinggi maka dapat menyebabkan penyumbatan aliran darah yang dapat mengakibatkan penyakit Aterosklerosis. Jeruk nipis memiliki kandungan metabolit sekunder yang berfungsi untuk mengurangi kenaikan kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui aktivitas antikolesterol dan mengetahui nilai EC₅₀ dari partisi n-heksana, metanol, ekstrak etanol kulit jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) secara in vitro. Analisis aktivitas kolesterol diketahui dengan mengukur kadar kolesterol secara in vitro menggunakan pereaksi Lieberman Burchard. Metode analisis menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 665,0 nm dengan seri konsentrasi sampel uji 150 µg/ml; 300 µg/ml; 450 µg/ml; 600 µg/ml dan 750 µg/ml. Data penelitian menunjukkan penurunan kadar kolesterol berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan konsentrasi pada sampel. Nilai EC₅₀ partisi n-heksana sebanyak 448,76 µg/ml; partisi metanol sebanyak 448,98 µg/ml dan ekstrak etanol sebanyak 450,18 µg/ml. Kata kunci: Antikolesterol; in vitro; kulit jeruk nipis; partisi.