The multicultural education has become the educational reality all over the world with the deepening and widening of the international and interpersonal communication in economic and cultural spheres. More and more people regardless of race, nationality, language, and culture come together to share the human cultures and make spiritual communication. How to promote smooth and successful interpersonal communication among different peoples, and how to enhance mutual respect and understanding among diverse cultures? The paper takes these issues into account and aims to find appropriate answers. Based on the fundamental theories of multiculturalism and actual practices of multicultural education in America and Canada, the paper discusses the practice and significance of multicultural education in English class in Liaoning Police Academy. This creative multicultural plan adheres to four basic principles, carrying out unique warm-up and after-class activities, such as Cultural Journey Series, Native American’s Cultural Nurturing, Cultural Immersion in Growing-up QQ English Group. After one and a half years’ multicultural training, 20 minority students build sufficient self-confidence, introducing their respective minority cultures to other students and learning a lot of Chinese traditional cultures and Western cultures. The Han students also reap bountiful harvest, taking active interest in other cultures and mastering basic knowledge and skills to cope with cross-cultural communication. As the accumulation of multicultural educational experience and reflection upon its strengths and limitations are continuously enriched, this multicultural education program will be more efficient, diversified and fascinating.