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Estimations and Long-term Trend of Sea-to-air Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Flux using Satellite Observation Data
Author(s) -
Yu-Mi Choi,
Song Sang Keen,
seung beom Han,
SonYoung Baek,
Yeon-Hee Park
Publication year - 2017
Publication title -
ocean and polar research/ocean and polar research
Language(s) - English
Resource type - Journals
SCImago Journal Rank - 0.191
H-Index - 13
eISSN - 2234-7313
pISSN - 1598-141X
DOI - 10.4217/opr.2017.39.3.181
Subject(s) - dimethyl sulfide , flux (metallurgy) , latitude , environmental science , atmospheric sciences , climatology , sea surface temperature , southern hemisphere , satellite , oceanography , geology , chemistry , physics , sulfur , organic chemistry , geodesy , astronomy

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