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open-access-imgOpen AccessDouble-target neural circuit-magnetic stimulation improves motor function in spinal cord injury by attenuating astrocyte activation
Dan Zhao,
Ye Zhang,
Ya Zheng,
Xutong Li,
Chengcheng Sun,
Qi Yang,
Qing Xie,
Dong-Sheng Xu
Publication year2023
Publication title
neural regeneration research
Resource typeJournals
Subject(s)astrocyte , biology , central nervous system , corticospinal tract , diffusion mri , glial fibrillary acidic protein , immunohistochemistry , magnetic resonance imaging , medicine , motor cortex , neuroscience , pathology , primary motor cortex , radiology , spinal cord , spinal cord injury , stimulation , synaptophysin
SCImago Journal Rank0.93

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