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open-access-imgOpen AccessImpact of cognition-related single nucleotide polymorphisms on brain imaging phenotype in Parkinson’s disease
Ting Shen,
Jiali Pu,
Yasi Jiang,
Yu-Mei Yue,
Ting-Ting He,
Boyi Qu,
Shuai Zhao,
Ya-Ping Yan,
Hsin Yi Lai,
Bao-Rong Zhang
Publication year2023
Publication title
neural regeneration research
Resource typeJournals
Subject(s)biology , corpus callosum , disease , functional magnetic resonance imaging , fusiform gyrus , gene , genetics , genotype , magnetic resonance imaging , medicine , neuroimaging , neuroscience , occipital lobe , parkinson's disease , pathology , psychology , radiology , single nucleotide polymorphism , white matter
SCImago Journal Rank0.93

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